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The Mrefu Eco-Lodge at Marangu Mashariki

Mrefu Eco-Lodge is the home of David Mtui, built on the ancestral land he inherited from his father Mrefu Mtui.  David has created a wonderfully warm and welcoming lodge for up to a dozen guests.  Here, guests will begin, relax and end their safaris, mountain treks and tours and cultural excursions with Nature's Gift Safaris.


It is also the home of the Elizabeth Hudgin Centre for Sustainability where local small-scale Tanzanian farmers and students learn methods to improve their yields, their health and their family's lives in environmentally sound and sustainable ways.

The Eco-Lodge grounds themselves have accommodations in the Main House as well as rooms in cottage-like structures located nearby, all with verandas for lounging, reading and conversation. 

In the nearby kitchen, the Lodge's chef and staff prepare superb meals for guests to eat at the dining boma, in the Main House dining room or on their verandas.  Box lunches for day tours are also made there. Two unique food features of this eco-lodge are that many of the ingredients are grown on its own adjacent organic and sustainable farm; the other is that cooking is done using ecologically-sound bio-gas also generated right at the farm. with hot water for prep and cleanup being heated by the sun's energy.

To cap it all off, the Eco-Lodge property is also the home of the Elizabeth Hudgin Centre for Sustainability located separately in the farm area. It is named in memory of Elizabeth Hudgin, a co-founder and guiding spirit of the NGS company. Interested Eco-Lodge guests may be able to observe and even particpate with farmers, students and international interns working on projects to bring sustainable farming and energy technologies to rural Tanzanians.

Our many environmentally-conscious guests will be happy to know that the entire Eco-Lodge will at some point be completely solar powered for both electricity and hot water.  Innovative installation of solar electric panels and thermal water heaters will be aesthetically pleasing and functional.  Tours of all the facilities and the farm are a regular part of the adventure at Mrefu Eco-Lodge.   

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